As the body of Christ, Berea Baptist Church is a congregation of baptized believers who have covenanted themselves together for one purpose – to do on this earth what Jesus would do if He were physically here. He told His churches what that was in Matthew 28:18-20. They are to make, mark, and mature disciples.
The ministries of the church therefore grow out of that commission. The programs are not designed to satisfy the worldly desires of the community but rather the needs of the membership to reach the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ which in turn can meet every need.
Out of this commission to make, mark, and mature disciples comes a four-fold goal for the ministries of Berea Baptist Church.
Exaltation of God by corporate and private worship;
Evangelization of the lost, to bring them to saving faith and then to obedience to Christ’s command of baptism;
Edification of saints and sinners through love and service;
Education of God’s people through God’s Holy Word to help them conform to the image of Christ and to a deeper relationship with Him.